Oppo F15 will launch in India on January 16. Oppo recently released a teaser of this phone on Amazon.in website. Oppo tried to warm up the market by releasing various features before the phone launch. Oppo F11 Pro and Oppo F9 Pro will be launched as an upgrade to the new Oppo F15. There are four cameras on the back of this phone. With VOOC 3.0 Flash Charge Support. The company also said the F15 has a fingerprint sensor on the bottom of the phone’s display. The gradient finish is behind the phone.
Oppo F15 Specifications:
There are four cameras on the back of the Oppo F15 phone. The AI camera will have a 48-megapixel primary sensor. With Artificial Intelligence Support. Although the Chinese company has not released any information about the sensor of the other three cameras on this phone.
This phone uses VOOC 3.0 fast charging technology. The company claims to be able to get two hours of Talktime on the Oppo F15 phone with only five minutes to charge. There is also a fingerprint sensor on the bottom of the phone’s display.
The Oppo F15 weighs 172 grams. The back of this phone has a curved design and a gradient finish. The company says the F15 phone will have at least 8GB of RAM.
Oppo F15 will launch in India on January 16. The company has already posted pictures of the phone on social media. However, Oppo has not released important information such as the F15 phone processor, display and battery.