Honor 9X will be launched on July 23. The Chinese company has already announced the day of launch on this day. Before the Honor 9X launch, this phone design came in front. The pop-up cellphone camera has been seen on this phone in the Internet. Dual cameras and LED flash behind the phone Can be inside the Honor 9X Kirin 810 chipset. Honor 9X Pro can be launched on July 23 with Honor 9X Pro.
Recently posted pictures of Ivan Blaise Honor 9X in Twitter. The thin display was seen next to the Honor 9X phone display in the picture. There will also be pop-up cellphone cameras and dual rear cameras.
Recently published reports revealed that the same event will be launched on the Honor 9X and Honor 9X Pro. The first phone will have Kirin 810 chipsets. This smartphone will be launched with a 6.5-inch to the 6.7-inch LCD display.
The company’s flagship chipset Kitin 980 can be on the Honor 9X Pro phone. This phone can have a 4,000mAh battery inside. There are four cameras behind this phone. This camera can have a 48-megapixel camera in the primary sensor.