Launched in India last week Asus 6Z This smartphone was launched on Wednesday in India. This phone has a flip camera. The back and front camera will work using the same camera. The cell rear camera will work with the help of cellar and the camera will work on the cellphone. This camera has a 48-megapixel primary sensor. With Snapdragon 855 chipset and 5,000 mAh battery.
Asus 6Z Specification:
Dual SIM Asus 6Z phones will run on Android 9.0 Pie operating system. A 6.4-inch FHD + IPS display is on top of the phone. There is no dance on this display. The Snapdragon 855 chipset is in the phone, up to 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of storage.
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The rotating camera will be on Asus 6Z phone for taking photos. This phone’s rear camera can help turn cells by using the motors. The 6Z dual camera has a 48-megapixel primary sensor. With 13-megapixel wide angle camera. The ASUS 6Z phone has a 5,000 mAh battery and Quick Charge 4.0 support. This phone weighs 190 grams.
Asus 6Z Price:
6GB RAM and 64GB of storage at Asus 6Z for Rs 31,999. This phone will cost Rs. 34,999 on 6GB of RAM and 128GB storage. 8GB RAM and 256GB of storage at Asus 6Z are worth 39,999. This smartphone will start selling at Flipkart at 12 noon on Wednesday.