Poco F1 caught the attention of tech lovers using flagship chipset at an incredible price last year. El Poco F1 Lite The new phone will be available on Midnight Chipset. Recently, on the benchmarking website Geekbench, the Poco F1 Lite phone has seen Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 chipsets. The Poco F1 phone, which was launched last year, was Snapdragon 845 chipset. Already Poco F1 has reached Android Pie Update. It is not known when the launch of the new Poco F1 Lite.
Snapdragon 660 chipsets were viewed on the Geekbench website Poco F1 Lite phone. This news is first published on the SlashLeaks website. Poco F1 Lite has a 1.61 GHz processor on the phone. There will be Android 9 Pie operating system and 4GB RAM. This information has been uploaded on March 14. Read More Pocophone F2
Last year, Poco Sub-Batman launched the fast-paced smartphones promise Xiaomi The first smartphone of this brand was the flagship specification at Poco F1. It used to be 8GB of RAM, up to 256GB of storage and 4,000mAh battery. Quick Charge 3 Fast charging will soon be charged on this phone’s battery.
After the launch, multiple updates have been added to the Poco F1 phone camera. In the last update, this phone comes with 4K video recording feature 60 frames per second speed Xiaomi