Vivo V15 Pro has launched a few days ago. This phone had pop-up cellphone cameras and triple rear camera. Vivo S1 will be launched in the same design. Coming Vivo S1 in the market as Vivo X27 less expensive version of the phone This phone has full HD + display, Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P70 Chipset. News of Triple Rear Camera on Vivo S1 phone has been reported. This phone can be found from 2,000 yuan (about 20,800 rupees) in China.
Vivo S1 Full Phone Specification:
The price and specification of the Vivo S1 phone have been leaked recently in a Chinese blogging website. Vivo S1 will have a 6.53 inch Full HD + display. The MediaTek Helio P70 chipset, 6GB of RAM and 128GB storage will be on the phone.
Like the Vivo V15 Pro phone, there are also Triple Rear cameras behind the Vivo S1 phone. This phone has 12 megapixels + 8 megapixels + 5-megapixel camera sensor. The 24-megapixel sensor is available in the pop-up camera for cellphones.
Vivo V15 launched in Thailand last week. The name of this smartphone can be launched in the name of Vivo S1 instead of the name. It will be the first smartphone of the company’s series after the launch.
Vivo X27 launches in China on March 19 Vivo S1 can be launched at the same event. The Vivo X27 phone will have the same design as the Vivo V15 Pro.